An Open Letter to Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann suggested that the gay community is bullying Americans and politicians.  You can read the full article and hear the clip for yourself here. This is my response.

Dear Michele Bachmann,

I would like to provide you with a definition of a word that, for all your legal experience, you seem not to comprehend. The word “bully” has become a buzzword, a convenient way for adults who are losing an argument to shut down the conversation. When your back is against the wall, you call someone a “bully” and if they don’t allow you to gracefully exit the argument you get to say, “SEE! They ARE a bully.”

Except, that’s incorrect. “Bully” is defined variously as “a person who uses superior strength or power to harm, intimidate or influence those who are weaker.”

Now let’s reconsider your words. “…the gay community, they have so bullied the American people, and they’ve so intimidated politicians. The politicians fear them, so that they think they get to dictate the agenda everywhere.”

Let’s consider the fallacy here, shall we?

In order for it to be true that the gay community has “bullied the American people” you have to be admitting that the gay community has superior strength and influence to all of the American people. Even the most generous figures put the LGBT population at 10% of the whole, and as we can be discriminated against legally in many states in employment, housing, partner/spousal benefits and many other ways, it’s difficult to find supporting evidence that would demonstrate that the power differential – in any situation – weighs in our favor.

Sure, it sounds good to call us bullies, but let’s be honest Michele, you’re just pissed that we’re fighting back, fighting back well, and winning. And you know why that is? Because we actually HAVE a lifetime of experience being bullied to know how to handle it when one comes for us. We aren’t the scrawny kids hiding in the bathrooms and running from dodgeballs anymore, but the wit and intelligence we learned to handle those situations with, yes, we’ve turned that on you. You brought this on yourself. You taught us to fight back intelligently and fearlessly with all the tools we have by first attempting to teach us that we were less than, second class, or somehow undeserving of equal protection under the Constitution you so loudly claim preserves your right to be a bigot.

Not to mention, as much as you seem not to like it, we are American people. There’s a logic gap in your statement that would mean we are bullying ourselves. Unless of course you attempted to imply that by being gay we are not American? I’m sure that’s not the case. (Well, I’m not totally sure, but this one time, I’m actually going to give you the benefit of the doubt.)

I would imagine as a woman succeeding in two very male dominated professions, you have actual experience with being bullied. Bullied by those with more power than you, bullied by chauvinists, bullied by those above you and with more power than you threatened by your intelligence, your looks or your success. I’m sure you can understand then, why it is so incredibly offensive to our community that has a long history of being bullied on the personal level by individuals and organizations in the communities we grew up in, and on a community level by those who continue to attempt to ensure we are treated like second-class citizens because they do actually wield enough power to swing elections and influence politicians by the sheer numbers they command, that you would suggest that we are somehow the bullies because you do not agree with us.

We are not bullying you. We are standing up to you. And there is a world of difference between the two.

A final note – You said the politicians fear gay people. Well, the actual word for this is “homophobia” and I’m sure you didn’t mean to state that politicians are homophobic, did you Michele? Or maybe, just maybe, you finally admitted it out loud. After all, you are one of those politicians Michele. Are you homophobic Michele? Are you afraid of us?

Well, good. You should be.

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188 Responses to An Open Letter to Michele Bachmann

  1. lmarks04 says:

    I agree with you on everything, but stop giving her the publicity she craves by writing this post about her! Just let her disappear into the sunlight come November.


    • It’s a nice thought that we can just ignore people like her, the problem is as long as she is given a public forum to spew hatred that other people are hearing, even if they are already like-minded to her, it’s worth it for me personally to say “NO” every single time. Even if it gets kind of exhausting 😉


      • Angel McCoy says:

        I’m not a part of the LGBT community, but I am a black woman and feel that your fight is my own. KEEP bringing it up. The American people have insanely bad memories. The next election will be coming soon. Don’t let Minnesota forget who this person really is.


      • whit sibley says:

        Indeed. Show them that they will be confronted when they spew their bible-based hatred toward other people. The more people who do that, the more that others will be empowered to do so. The days are gone when bigots and haters rule the roost, hiding behind their book of hate, And boy, it does get exhausting!


    • Brigid DuFay says:

      If you stay quiet, you just add to her powers. Silence is seen as a form of agreement. People like her will never vanish into silence. If there is any bully here, it would be the Christian churches that try to get the bible verses turned into governmental laws. How dare David goes up against Goliath! Well we all know how that ended….


  2. rifeparent says:

    Reblogged this on rifeparent and commented:
    I am a believer, call myself a christian. Being a christian is supposed to mean that we love people. Being an American is supposed to mean that we love freedom.


  3. shelb077 says:

    Bravo. Well written, nicely said!


  4. KhoaSinclair says:

    Stick it to her! She is must a bucket of crazi…


  5. Adam says:

    Nicely stated… infalliable logic… and thank you for not resorting to vulgarity. This is such a good example for me to follow.


  6. ermigal says:

    Bravo, Emerson! Michele and her ilk are using the word “bully” to bully others, and you made that point well. Come on over and read about my fantasy interview with Gov Jan Brewer and recent events in Arizona. Great post! 🙂


  7. haridasgowra says:

    Good one…..Its a magic……writing good…


  8. tarerus says:

    I don’t it’s wrong to Voice your opinion but gay people are bullys


  9. Kick ass letter!! I am a neighbor up north but I’m sending you luv and the fire to keep on fighting. 🙂


  10. Elisa says:

    Blacks bullied those in the South too!!!! What a shame! (guffaw)


  11. Mario Avalos says:

    Just like the republican party. The chick’s outdated and looking for media time.


  12. awax1217 says:

    You hit the bulls eye. The prejudice of the past exists and will increase if people close a blind eye. I believe in equal treatment. I am concerned that the Arizona tip of the iceberg of discrimination will turn us back to the dark ages.


  13. Well written – the only problem is she’s crazy – there’s no logical arguing with crazy… crazy and hateful – that’s a bad way to go through life.


  14. Reblogged this on The Curious Alouette! and commented:
    This is excellent.


  15. Sander says:

    Brilliantly written. Two words: acceptance and tolerance. If only people would do that more often…


  16. 1stpeaksteve says:

    People cover many aspects of the spectrum of life. That is something that most people do not want to accept. I am a Republican and a Christian. I have never received a memo that being either one of the two means you have to be intolerant of others. I am sure there are others out there whom think they way that I do. We are just being drowned out by group(s) that want everyone to go either to the far left or the far right.

    As a Christian, I see many pictures of Jesus surrounded by children. He seems happy. According to the bible, he spent the majority of his time amongst the poor and the down and out. He spoke with some that were good and others that were off the mark.

    So it seems that odd to suggest that when one of the children in the picture figure out at some young age that they may be gay; that suddenly the loving god will hate them and wish them ill will.

    Anyway, good read!


  17. mommyx4boys says:

    No i agree that people are being bullied by the lgbt. When a pastor is forced to perform a wedding he does not agree with or risk severe consequences, sorry but that’s not right.


    • Show me one example of a pastor being forced to perform a wedding he does not agree with. One. There is no legislation in existence, or pending, anywhere in the country that requires a pastor to marry anyone. Straight or gay. All of the marriage discussions and issues are legal and civil – how LGBT couples are treated by government all levels. Your argument is a fear-mongering fantasy perpetuated by conservative bloggers and news media that has no basis in actual reality. It hasn’t happened.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        There may not be any pastors going through that yet, i don’t know. it was just an example. However there are people being forced to go against their beliefs and participate in gay marriages, if you want names i will provide them. Now that being said i don’t care who marries who in this world. I just don’t think its right to force anyone to go against their beliefs. One of the people i mentioned was a t shirt maker, or whatever they are called, anyway he refused to print shirts for gay pride, because it is against his religion. He is now being sued. That is messed up, i would not think it right for a homosexual person to be forced into printing something anti gay either. I would just like people on both sides to stop whining and mind their own business.


      • The problem with this argument is that it only looks good from this one angle. If your belief system said that black people are not equal to white people – and the Bible was used to support this statement during the Civil Rights era, then your argument would allow white business owners to refuse service to black people. If you want to operate a business in the public sector, you accept the laws of the land regarding non-discrimination. If you want to operate a business purely in accordance with Biblical theology, you can make it a private, membership only business. And as to all of the “gay marriage” business issues with cake bakers and flower makers and conscientious Christian objectors, if you can show me that they also refuse to make cakes, or flowers, or whatever for anyone is divorced, has committed adultery or had pre-marital sex, then I’ll believe that it’s really completely about doing business according to the Bible. If it’s just gays and marriage, it’s bigoted. And anyone can believe anything they want, you just can’t operate a business that way. We don’t allow businesses to operate according to Sharia Law for the same reasons. A muslim business owner would still have to serve an uncovered, unaccompanied woman. Regardless of what they believe and practice in their religion. And you can call it “whining” when we’re no longer treated like second-class citizens in the eyes of the government. Churches, and religious individuals can think whatever they want, more power to them. The law, however, should not have an opinion.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        It doesn’t say anywhere in the bible that black people are less than white people. And yes a christian cake baker would turn down making a cake for a party that promotes adultery to. And it is not being a bigot to refuse to do something that the bible specifically says is wrong. I could not have gotten mad if our pastor did not want to marry my husband and i as he had gotten divorced. If you say you are for freedom you have to be for everyone’s freedom, including the freedom to not take part in something you believe is wrong.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Oh and you should look up Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow


      • Elisa says:

        No one can be forced to go against their beliefs, just look at the KKK. Americans continue to repeat the cycle of…it’s not like us, let us dehumanize it. Some churches used to refuse to marry a black to a white because one was a human and the other was not…uneven yoking and all.

        Let me try it another way…I might believe that it is ok to bludgeon you because I just want to do so, the law says that I cannot do that, no matter my desire. I can still choose.


    • usorthem3 says:

      Marriage licenses are issued by the state, NOT the church. NO religion is necessary for a marriage to be legal, valid or recognized. I ask ever business I enter now if they are run by Christians and if the answer is yes, then I leave. I can never trust anyone claiming that faith as history proves it to be deadly to millions in the name of “god”.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        I already said I’m not talking about marriage, i am talking about people forcing others to take part in anything that is against their religion. It sounds like to be you are the bigot not christians.


      • usorthem3 says:

        I read daily of Christians advocating death to all gay people in the USA and world wide. Th core of the Christian faith is 2 Chronicles 15 13 All people, young and old, male and female who REFUSE to dedicate their life to the Lord God of Israel were to be put to death. Says a lot about any religion that ever needed to murder those who do not believe as they do, it’s called week and shallow as it’s followers show in their daily hate filled lives.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        My life is not filled with hate in any way shape or form. I am a christian, And i would never suggest killing anybody and neither would any other real christian. Our job as christians is not to judge or punish anybody, but to show love to others and tell them about God. Any person who promotes violence or hate is not a Christian, just because i don’t agree with something someone is doing doesn’t mean i hate them. My father is an alcoholic and i love him just as much as i ever did. My cousin is gay i love him just as much as i ever did. And i will never try to force my opinion on anybody but if they ask my opinion i will gladly give it.


    • pinkagendist says:

      I see you’re not wearing a veil. Should extremist Muslims be forced to serve you anywhere? Should they deny you entry into a taxi? Into a convenience store? Should they be allowed to escort you out of any premises because according to their view of religion your behaviour is immoral?
      How about calling you names on the street? Just curious as to how far religious ‘freedom’ can go.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        If i am asking them to do something that is against their beliefs. I truly hope they would tell me and i would absolutely not force anyone to do anything that they are strongly against


      • pinkagendist says:

        How would you feel being kicked out of a place of business and disparaged for not wearing a veil? The line would probably be something like “We don’t serve women like you”.
        If you had a daughter, how would you feel if that happened to her?


      • mommyx4boys says:

        this may be hard for you to understand but if that is their religion i would have to respect that, would i agree with it, no but i would respect it. look people who stand up for what they believe in ( as long as it doesnt harm anyone) should be respected.


      • pinkagendist says:

        Genius! Let’s create a society where everyone lives in ghettos and businesses only serve people who are from their ethnic/social/religious groups! Great way for civilization to move forward.
        Not selling something to someone or not serving them because of their identity is the definition of bigotry. It’s not standing up for anything. People are free to practice their religions, when they try to oblige other people to follow the tenets of their faith they cross the line and interfere with the next citizen´s freedom of religion.
        It’s actually a very easy and simple concept:
        Orthodox Jews may choose not to eat pork, but they can’t force the rest of us to stop eating bacon.
        Muslims can choose to wear veils, but they can’t force others to do so.
        Christians can pray, light candles, whatever else it is they want to do, but the second they tell other people who they can or can’t marry, they’re pushing their religion on free, tax-paying citizens.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        But orthodox jews can refuse to sell pork. Which is my point


      • pinkagendist says:

        Fantastic! Refusing to sell pork to the entire population isn’t exactly the same thing as refusing to sell pork to a specific group.
        Get the difference?


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Let me clear something up. Lets say a homosexual couple walks into a christian bakery and they want some cupcakes, they should not be denied service, however if they want a wedding cake, a lot of christians would be very uncomfortable contributing to something that is by their religion defined as wrong. I and i don’t think they should be forced to do so.


      • pinkagendist says:

        Fascinating differentiation!
        When I hire a maid, do I have to specify to her that I had a blood transfusion after a car accident in 1999 because she might be a Jehova’s Witness? Or is that none of her business?
        Again, she’s welcomed not to have a blood transfusion, but whether I had/have one, is none of her business.
        You’re moving the goal-posts to the wrong spot.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        I have no idea what you are talking about. Lol, i have made my point clear but obviously you have no interest, you just want to argue i guess. Have a nice life, and God bless


      • pinkagendist says:

        If you don’t want to consider the realities of your position, that’s your choice. When people start spitting on you, perhaps you’ll reconsider.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Darlin i am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, i have had people do way worse than spit on me. It seems like you just want everyone to agree witg you about everything and its never gonna happen


      • pinkagendist says:

        Agree? Not at all. What I call for is civilized behaviour. Let each person do whatever the hee-haw they want in private, as long as that doesn’t interfere with human decency.
        As an individual who employs people, I can say openly and clearly that if any employee of mine feels thy’re entitled to turn away any fellow human being, they’ll be looking for another job immediately- and that includes if they tried to turn away people like you, former drug addict alcoholics turn Jesus fans.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        So you say all people have the right to be served no matter the beliefs of said store owner, right. Lets say a young man comes into a bakery and says my friends and i are having a party i want a special cake made for it. And the cake should read. WHITE POWER KKK and have a big swastika right in the middle. Would the business owner be wrong to deny service? Let me answer that for you. No. The business owner zhould have the right to turn down something they find offensive. Wether it is morally offensive or religiously offensive


      • pinkagendist says:

        The sophistication of your intelligence is JUST FABULOUS!!! We’re not talking about Nazis. We’re talking about regular human beings who aren’t planning on killing Jews. Two men or two women planning to share their lives, no gas or ovens involved. Have you got your bearings now?
        Sorry to utter the word, but if you can’t get the difference, you’re a cretin.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        You didn’t answer the question. Is it ok to refuse service to the person i described or not. Try to stay focused on the topic at hand, we are not discussing my level of intelligence. Either its okay to turn people down when you don’t believe in what they are doing, or its not. Its really simple


      • pinkagendist says:

        It’s not okay to refuse service to people who aren’t hurting anyone because of matters linked to their identity- whether it be race, sexuality, religion or political affiliation, you imbecile.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        That’s it when all else fails and i prove you haven’t a leg to stand on, just criticise my intellectual abilities. Because it really hurts me that someone i don’t know and never will know thinks I’m not smart. Ouch and goodbye


      • pinkagendist says:

        Not having a reasonable IQ is only one of your problems. embracing bigotry is much worse. Shameful, in fact.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Its not bigotry to refuse to take part in something that you believe can send you to hell. Also just because i don’t agree with a persons actions doesn’t mean i hate the person. As for the IQ statement, you are seriously reaching here. You don’t even know my name let alone my IQ, so stop being angry that someone has a different opinion than you, and just go on about your business. Also have you noticed i have not called you any names or said anything rude to you but because i believe differently about something you feel the need to throw insults. Says a lot about your character.


      • pinkagendist says:

        I mentioned IQ because not being able to understand individual rights is a rather basic issue. It has nothing to do with opinions.
        Freedom of religion is the freedom to apply religion to one’s OWN life, not the right to make other people follow one’s religion.
        If one bakes cakes or sells flowers, they’re not being asked to do anything other than what they already do. By choosing to discriminate clientele on the basis of their identity, they’re engaging in bigoted behaviour. And by singling out gays, that makes the issue quite clear. I haven’t yet heard of Catholic bakers refusing to make cakes for Protestant weddings because the Catholic church doesn’t recognize non-Catholic weddings. Or Catholics refusing to serve divorcees because the church doesn’t approve of divorce.
        Apparently the only issue, the only religious ‘rule’ that allows for segregation and exclusion is homosexuality- and to embrace that says a lot about your character.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        No your wrong because many pastors will not perform weddings for people who have been divorced


      • pinkagendist says:

        That’s fine, PERFORMING a wedding falls under an individual’s right not to participate in something, as obviously it requires a personal and differential effort from the purveyor of the service. I’d include in that anyone who has to personally participate in an event they choose not to attend- so also a photographer for example. That’s very different from selling a cake in a cake shop. The baker has no involvement in the use of the cake, and it’s actually none of his/her business.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Look dude, i am not gonna change my mind and you are not gonna change yours. So good luck with your life i really do wish you the best


      • pinkagendist says:

        Normal. Bigotry tends to be deeply embedded in a person’s psyche.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Okay genius, bye


      • pinkagendist says:

        Don’t you have a cross to burn in someone’s yard?


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Funny considering that you are the bigot, you hate anyone who has a different opinion than you do. And you also must have no life at all considering how many times you keep coming back to talk to me. Incase you hadn’t figured it out already i have no interest in communicating with you any longer, any further attempts will be ignored and they will show everyone how desperate you are for attention. Once again good luck, God bless, and goodbye


      • pinkagendist says:

        Why are you commenting on gay issues? They don’t have anything to do with your life.
        You’re ill, if you think you should organize your life around another person’s sexuality- and what I’m doing is pointing that out to you because you need help.


  18. larry2paul says:

    Dear Ms Bachman,

    I have a brother who is very ‘religious’ and I find that the key to discussing things with him is to be civil. I believe in Mathew 25, have worked 80 hour weeks for no pay to feed, clothe, visit homeless. I don’t condemn you for anything you have said, but I would wn with you and talkd to you about my experie This web site cannot ueanpost things in y fasho


  19. Elisa says:

    how did this get to christian vs. gay? I respect the choice of the person above to state her views, they are her own and one need not deal with them, try to change them, or even accept them. However, when a person that is supposed to serve US, ALL of us, the American people, they are to put aside their own personal wishes. If they cannot do that, or will not do that, then they need to go.

    Some people come to a discussion wishing to look at all views and perhaps to see themselves in a mirror and then to change the bits that might appear to be a bit defective. Others do not. I think that seeking all one or all another isn’t going to be the solution. Perhaps even the word solution, denotes the idea of one size for all.


    • pinkagendist says:

      As a historian I can tell you it’s an age-old tactic. ‘Rulers’ use division as a tool to garner support and maintain their rule. It’s a sad old story.


      • Elisa says:

        hmm…i have been sitting and considering and well, i didn’t mention rulers
        if any human chooses to pair christian and gay, there will be an illogical and false choice presented

        i do not seek support nor do I wish to maintain anything beyond myself (in this moment anyway) Perhaps when speaking people might remember this. Is the point of a conversation anything beyond one person sharing and then another person sharing? I believe there are plenty more than those two choices.


      • pinkagendist says:

        Their choice is division. Whether you like it or not.


      • Elisa says:

        I was speaking of the choice in the commenters here on this blog. I was being polite. I do not believe that there is a ‘their’. Creating a ‘their’ makes a false enemy which then attempts to further some need for me to fight. If I do not tolerate group norming, I am taking one simple step after another.


      • pinkagendist says:

        Unfortunately there is a ‘their’, and it’s fabricated by authoritarian groups. Othering was once important for tribal survival- but became a widely used tactic to gain and maintain power over certain groups.
        The Rwandan massacre was an extraordinary example of this being done very openly. The vilification of Protestants by Catholics and vice-versa is another.
        Anti-gay groups use anti-gay sentiment as a litmus test, a qualifier to be permitted entry and permanence into their groups. Remember when a group of Republicans booed a gay soldier during the presidential debates? They’d embraced othering to the extent that they thought that was a reasonable social reaction. The soldier’s sexuality took precedent over any other aspect of his identity and put him in a category of undesirables. That’s a pretty appalling ‘their’.


  20. Elisa says:

    😀 What denotes a ‘REAL’ christian? ahhhh spiritual materialism Where does that come into play?


  21. ladyruby07 says:

    Reblogged this on Stranger Than Fiction and commented:
    This is a beautifully written piece! Couldn’t have said it better myself!


  22. Jim Pier says:

    I have no comment one way or the other about Mrs. Bachmann, nor am I taking a political position. I am going to challenge your assertion and try to gain some clarity on what is and is not bullying.

    It may be true that a minority is not in a position to “bully” the majority. But they don’t need to take on the whole of the majority population in order to use bullying to achieve their objectives. They can take on one person or a small group and gang up on them.

    To cite one example, a few years ago, when California was embroiled in the constitutional fight about marriage eligibility for same-sex couples, there were numerous instances of individuals and businesses being called out, harassed, threatened and verbally abused either because of a publicly stated position or for a financial contribution to the opposition.

    Whether or not their position was the majority position is not the issue. Whether or not one considers their position a bigoted one or not is not the issue. When thousands gang up on one individual or one business owner or political donor and threaten them with coercive measures, such as a boycott, or showing up en masse in front of a home or business. or swamping them with public vitriole. purely because of the political difference involved, that is bullying. The victim is outnumbered and overpowered because they are being singled out. The majority is not there to defend them or to subdue the belligerent minority.


    • Exactly! In Massachusetts, my wife and I signed two petitions to get the traditional marriage amendment (one man, one woman definition) added to the state Constitution. Because we signed these petitions, we received harassing phone calls from Mass Equality (the homosexual rights lobby) because our names and phone numbers wrre public records.

      For the record, my wife and I don’t hate gay people, but we love the sacred institution of marriage between one man and one woman because society (until very recently) followed the Church’s lead and recognized that institution as the best and only forum to procreate and bring up children who know the truth about men and women and how they complement each other. You can disagree with someone on principle without hating them. The use of the term “hate” and “bigot” by the likes of Emerson against those of us like myself, my wife, or Michelle Bachmann is a bullying attempt to intimidate us through moral shaming.


      • whit sibley says:

        Your cute little family and marriage will not suffer if others have the same right. When your church or god insists that you marginalize and deny others, you need to reconsider the worth of both.


  23. Larry Murray says:

    The Michelle Bachman’s of this world have done their best to brand gays and lesbians as sick and damned to hell . Many of us decided not about to let this continue. It is not bullying, it is standing up for our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


    • mommyx4boys says:

      That has not been people spreading lies. That is what the bible says


      • mommyx4boys says:

        Sorry not sick or anything. But it is by bible standards wrong.


      • whit sibley says:

        Mommy, I am concerned about how your hateful bible views will affect any of your 4 boys if they turn out to be gay. Would you try to effect a change onto them, or would you accept and love them unconditionally, as I assume you do now? If your belief in a Bronze Age book causes you, in any way, to reject anything about how your child was born, and what he has no control over, then you need a new belief system, and your kid needs a new parent. If you have a creator, let him hash out his own creations. What you created should come first for you, no exception. No man, no dog, no book, no god, should cause you to be a bad parent. I would be curious to know how you would react to the hatred of the world being hurled at any of your own. What side you choose then will define your true character.


      • mommyx4boys says:

        I don’t have any hateful bible views i have loving bible views. And if one of my children were to be gay, i would love them regardless, just as i do with other family members that are homosexual. However i would tell them i don’t agree with it. Now please explain to me how that makes me hateful. Is there nothing in this world that you disagree with. Do you think you have to agree with a person’s every action to love them


      • Elisa says:

        I believe (right now in this moment and just to show you something maybe, if you want to look) that your ‘bible’ view ARE hateful and are bad for creation in probably just the same way that you believe that my loving men and women equally is bad for creation.

        I wonder if the difference comes into play when we all watch our own sides of the street. Organizing that stage to suit my idea of life on life’s terms instead of being able to take it as it is and to address my own issues has only led me to much of the very same trouble that causes me to heap burying limits–the very limits that I might myself seek to escape, onto others. Shrugs. It’s just what I’ve been thinking as I read.

        It’s also really interesting within anonymous-type discussions like these which people only mirror their own experiences onto what they think they have read, not really stopping to identify with others and to sit with it all for a moment.


  24. Reblogged this on The Blog of Various Beings. and commented:
    I love this womans response!!


  25. glendalejohn says:

    She is just another politician that is out of step with mainstream America. The times are a changing.


  26. I look forward to the day when everyone is respected for what they are and none are scorned or ‘put in their place’… Where all listen to each other and respectfully disagree. When neither scorn nor gossip nor narcissism nor bullying exists. I look forward to the day when all can live together peacefully…and I’m gonna do my darnedest to start this in my own life’s circle…


  27. jaedyn630 says:

    Great article! do you mind sharing my newest blog? that would be great! thank you so much and keep up the good work, heres the link to my blog


  28. crunchyhanns says:

    I’m 100% astonished by this. Such a great piece. Lets Stand up and show that we’ve got power!


  29. anorthhare says:

    As someone who was bullied all through out their childhood and teenage/young adult years, Michele Bachmann sickens me!


  30. Abi says:

    You run into a problem early on in your argument. It’s true that the LGBT community is a minority, without the strength that usually goes along with a majority. However, people who do not lead lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender can still support the LGBT cause. The *majority* lies in support of the LGBT community. A minority, however, still believes that to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is wrong.


    • I’m with you. How can a minority bully anyone?
      This puts me in mind of an “L Word” ep in which Alice goes to a “closet party”, where famous LGBT folks hang out. Then, the next day, she sees one of the party-goers calling gay people faggots and denouncing them.
      I liked her response, even if her girlfriend didn’t. It’s bad enough other people bash us, let alone self-bashing.
      This is how we do in the disability community, too, and things never get done. Plus, what disabled group has the money to put someone in Congress, or Parliament, which is where we Canadians put politicians.


  31. misslilred90 says:

    I agree with everything you said and I love it. Excellent job


  32. Love this. Following you now.


  33. The gay community demanding equal footing with straight couples is hardly bullying. And yes, Mrs. Bachman is emblematic of everything that is wrong with American politics. But I can see the point that she is trying to make. Was the lawsuit forcing Eharmony to create a gay category necessary? There is an undertone in the LBGT community that seems to feel they can not only demand equal rights, but force people to accept their lifestyle. That’s no more acceptable than marginalizing ANY group of Americans. And it’s doing more harm than good to the movement. Bigots have a right to be ignorant. They are on the wrong side of history just like segregationists in the 60’s. Their old road is rapidly fading, and they are understandably upset. Those of us in the progressive lane have to be the adults. Or this traffic snarl will continue to derail significant social change. Which I must say, concerns more than just LBGT issues. We’re all in this together


  34. dhelix33 says:

    Forget about all the stupid things teabagging ‘conservatives’ have said over the last five years. And forget the fact that teabagging supporters fail to utilize spell check for their signs. Michele Bachmann wants you to believe that the Tea Party is actually an intellectual movement. I began laughing hysterically when I heard what this fool said during a speech at CPAC this year. This brainless Minnesota teabagging republican told the crowd that the ‘Tea Party’ is a movement of logic, reason, and intelligence based on mankind’s greatest ideas….

    This is what this idiot Bachmann said…

    “You see our movement at its core is an intellectual movement,” Bachmann claimed as actual smart people laughed around the globe. “We are based on the greatest ideas ever conceived in the mind of man. And I would put those magnificent ideas up against any other idea for freedom in the world. Because the Constitution, limited government and free enterprise and strong families, these are the principles that have passed the test of time. Nothing in our Constitution says that government is supposed to be a charity. Government is not the family, it is not the church and certainly it should never be our doctor’s office.”

    It fascinating this person can speak things like this out of her suck…. ‘Tea Party intellectual’ is one of the biggest contradictions of terms ever uttered. Over the last five plus years, America has been forced to endure an era of stupidity spearheaded by the ‘Tea Party’. Not only has evidence of this idiocy been showcased on homemade signs in rally after rally, it’s come straight out of the mouths of teabagging Republicans like Bachmann herself.

    For instance, in her short (but not short enough) time as a member of the House, Bachmann has wished Elvis a ‘Happy Birthday’ on the anniversary of his death. She has called carbon dioxide a harmless gas that has nothing to do with climate change. She thought the hometown of serial killer John Wayne Gacy was that of Hollywood icon John Wayne. She jumped on the ‘vaccines cause autism’ train. She thinks John Quincy Adams is a Founding Father.

    Bachmann is obviously clueless and in a complete alternate universe…


  35. folake1979 says:

    I would like to know in what way is the LGBT community a bunch of bullies. Since when did membets of that community use their power to intimidate others. That would be the question I would like to ask her.


  36. tmax64 says:

    I am seeing a lot of statements about people being forced to do things against their beliefs. My stance on this is this; if your beliefs lead to the marginalization and dehumanization of any segment of the population, lose it. Discrimination in any shape or from is the surest way to conflict. HIstory has shown time and again that anyone who goes down that path is headed for destruction. By the way,being gay is not a sin , a choice, or a “lifestyle” any more than being black or white is and people who think this way do themselves and others a disservice. Also ,I also believe that any view that causes such harm needs to be tolereated simply to protect someones erroneous beliefs. Being a part of the LGBT community is not a crime and that is not my opinion,that is fact.


    • tmax64 says:

      There are typos’s in my post that I would like to correct: I do not believe that erroneous outlooks and the actions that result from them should be tolerated. I hope that makes things clearer. I really shouldn’t post when I’m angry.


  37. Edwin Roman says:

    Excellent. By the way, I am waiting for her and husband to come out of the closet together!


  38. You realize you probably lost her after she confused “fallacy” for “fellatio” and got frazzled, right?

    And you’re right. Bully is the new buzzword, like, bipolar was 4 years ago and autistic was last year. It’s getting very old and tired…especially when people are now using the word Bully to bully others with.

    (Source: Any Real Housewives Reunion Special)


  39. djhermanek says:

    Just glad she is not running for anything as far as I know! Get her out of MN.


  40. This is such a wonderfully worded piece that speaks such volumes of truth. The sad part is she is so self-enamored and righteous she will never understand … Bravo though because this is spot on!


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